The Gateway: Building a Place for Enthusiastic Recovery
Through the building of The Gateway, we will connect individuals and families to social and community resources, serve those who wish to uncover their unique pathway to long-term sustainable recovery, and give people the opportunity to give back to others as they strengthen their own recovery.
The Gateway is a recovery community center, based off a national evidence-based model to provide additional supports and on-going recovery to those transitioning from addiction treatment back into the community or who are seeking recovery, but need someone to walk beside them as they navigate a path free from substance misuse. The disease of addiction is both chronic (lifelong) and relapsing. By keeping individuals from isolating during the early stages of recovery, we can further strengthen their skills and reduce potential relapses.

Our Purpose
Enhancing the availability of quality support services for people seeking and experiencing long-term recovery from a substance use disorder.

Our Vision
To be a safe and supportive place enhancing the lives of anyone affected by substance use disorders.
The Problem
The Impact of Substance Abuse Disorders
Substance use disorders are primary, progressive, chronic, relapsing and treatable diseases. These conditions have a dramatic impact on the lives of individuals, their families and partners, and community as a whole. With over 20 million people having substance use disorders, we can no longer choose to turn a blind eye to the impact this is having.
Despite the fact that we have treatments we know are effective, only 10 percent of people who currently need treatment are actually receiving it. Treatment is only the beginning of a long-term recovery process of brain healing and restoration. By focusing on community-based recovery services, we can increase capacity by avoiding relapse.
The Gateway Experience: Long-Term Recovery Support Solutions
The Gateway is a recovery-oriented sanctuary anchored in the heart of the community. It exists to put a face on recovery, to build recovery capital and to serve as a physical location where MDC can organize the local recovery community’s ability to care. MDC’s Gateway is not a treatment agency, it is not a 12-step club, and it is not a drop-in center, although aspects of all of these are apparent. The Gateway is the key to unlocking our community’s endless possibilities for recovery resources. The center will enhance the connection between existing treatment resources and recovery support services, while providing a centralized location to coordinate access to services based on an individuals’ specific needs. It will deliver peer-to-peer recovery support services using a combination of paid staff and volunteer force as the deliverers of these services. It will provide life skills development opportunities as well as host specific social events and other activities for participants to build a supportive community.

Restore Through The Gateway
Our Approach to Recovery Support

Restore Through The Gateway
Our Approach to Recovery Support

Naming Opportunities
Throughout The Gateway, we offer a variety of items to be sponsored. You can choose to feature your name, company’s name or in remembrance of someone on any of the following areas.
Beacon of Hope Giving Opportunities
As a beacon of hope donor, you can choose to feature your name, company’s name or in remembrance of someone on a wall prominently displayed in The Gateway.
These names have been chosen from the spiritual principals of the 12-steps of recovery.
Building & Operation Costs
The Gateway is currently under construction with the expertise of Rick Cox Construction, Barber McMurry Architects and Realty Trust Group.

Gateway Donors
Giver of Integrity
Gary Randal King
Steve Hutchins
Eric M Lutton
Angela Ferrie
John R Staley Jr.
Carol W Carden
Tina T Callicutt
Lanis L Cope
Judy W. Akers
Victor Stacy
Lauren Rider
Madeline Rogero
Greg Hewitt
Fiona McAnally
White Realty & Service Group
Jorge Sanabria
Sarah Joiner
Ernie Roberts
Kiwanis Club of Northside Knoxville
Edward Capparelli
South College
Christopher Beets
Jenny Bushkell
Sherrod Investigative Group LLC
Michele Carringer
Restoration Counseling Services, LLC
Danny Garrison
Nathan Woods
Wynne Caffey-Knight
Carolyn Cates
Advocate of Faith
Martha L Buchanan
Swannee Sexton
Tim Hill
Marty Brown
Steve McGrew
Rick Dover
Mark Browne
University Physicians’ Association. Inc.
William Waltman Jr.
Amy Midis
Janet Brewer
LPL Financial
Evolve Addiction Treatment
Denise King
Aneisa Rolen
Emergent BioSolutions
Pellissippi State Community College
Earl Worsham
Elizabeth Macy
Visit Knoxville
Sherry Crouse
Charme Allen
Cohen Communications Group
Brian L Winbigler
Donald Wake
Bill Dunn
Charles Swanson
George Wallace
Drug Enforcement Administration
Garza Law Firm
Morris Creative Group LLC
Karen Pershing
Supporter of Courage
Richard Maples
Randal Dabbs
Greg Gheen
John Gill Jr.
James J Choo
First Horizon
Ted Flickinger
Champion of Hope
East Tennessee Foundation
Steve Bailey
A David Martin
Schwab Charitable
Robert Petrone
Frank Rothermel
Samuel French
Jessup & Associates, Inc
The Diocese of East Tennessee
Henson’s Greater Tennessee Flooring, Inc.
Food City
William Thomas
George Massengill
Ed Pershing
Home Federal Bank
Robert McMillin
Barbara J Crist
Jim LaPinska
Barber McMurry Architects
Anonymous Donor
James Haslam III
Naming Opportunities
City of Knoxville Grant, Community Training Room
Knox County Grant, Recreation and Fitness Area
Boyd Foundation, The Boyd Family Center
Jim LaPinska, Coffee Shop