Recipient of the 2024 Coalition Member of the Year Award

Congratulations to Kenny King of the Knox County Health Department for receiving the Coalition Member of the Year Award at the 11th Annual Community Champion Awards. This award is given to a coalition member who exhibited commitment to the organization through meeting participation, committee leadership and project implementation.

About Kenny

Kenny is a Public Health Educator for the Knox County Health Department’s Substance Misuse Response Division. He holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Tennessee. He is a certified Recovery Coach and is currently working toward certification as a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor, Level II (LADAC II) and Certified Peer Recovery Specialist (CPRS).

He collaborates with local agencies to provide HIV/HCV education, overdose awareness, naloxone trainings, stigma reduction and related trainings to treatment centers, recovery houses, homeless shelters, area businesses and justice involved groups, to name a few.

Prior to KCHD, Kenny was a senior counselor at a residential treatment center, doing extensive work with high-risk youth experiencing mental health and substance use challenges. He continued several related programs at the health department including outreach to runaway shelters, high schools and alternative schools.

Prior to his current role, he was a Harm Reduction Navigator helping individuals begin their recovery journey. During his long career in public health, Kenny has never lost sight of the recovery focus necessary to the program goals and people he serves.

In addition to spending time with family, Kenny enjoys restoring vintage cars, winning several prestigious awards. He is a national judge for the Antique Automobile Club of America.

Words From Kenny’s Nomination

Kenny is the outgoing vice-chair and incoming chair of the Community Coalition. He has an affinity for (1) connecting with people, easily falling into conversation with them regardless if they just met, and (2) lifting up the recovery community… He’s also resilient, the kind of person who is determined to adapt to his situation, which are qualities needed to support prevention, treatment, and recovery services.

Thank you, Kenny, for the important work you are doing in the Knoxville community!