Tips and Examples

Creating an Effective Message

  • Less is more. Simple messages are effective messages. Just choose one point you want to convey and focus your video on that. 
  • Avoid doom and gloom messaging or scare tactics, such as “you will die if you vape.” 
  • Show don’t tell. Don’t just list out the facts, and don’t just talk to the camera (that’s boring). This video shouldn’t resemble a presentation but rather a short film. It should be creative in the way it shares the message.  Show a compelling story or find an unexpected and memorable way to communicate the importance of your message.   
  • Make sure that your message is accurate and grounded in reliable facts and resources. We’ve provided trusted resources and information for you to reference. You can use other resources if they are reliable.  
View Student Examples

Coming up with Ideas for Your Video

Start by learning about the topic

Learning more about the topic, including by talking to people who are familiar with it, can sometime uncover interesting insights that can lead you to good ideas.

Have a brainstorming session.

Write down as many ideas as you can and then pick out your favorites. Expand on those ideas and think about how they would work in a 25s video. Choose your favorite to focus on for the video.

Create a storyboard or plan.

Drawing out what each scene will look like, what happens and what you hear. That way you can make sure you have all the elements that support your message, and you’ll have a plan for filming.

Quick Tips: Filming

Student Video Examples

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This project is funded under a grant contract with the State of Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.